Elk NetworkPublic Comment Periods Open for Washington Hunting Season, Wildlife Feeding Proposals

General | February 6, 2025

Below is a news release from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is now accepting public comments on proposed hunting season rule changes as part of the Department’s annual hunting season setting process. The Department is also accepting public comment on proposed rules meant to limit the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD), including a proposal to implement a statewide deer, elk, and moose feeding ban in Washington.

WDFW is proposing updated rules and regulations for 2025 black bear, cougar, deer, elk, and waterfowl general hunting seasons and 2025 deer, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat special permit opportunities. The Department is also proposing new deer and elk multi-season tags for members of federally recognized tribes that have entered into an agreement with WDFW, and clarifying the rule language around certain special closures, firearm restriction areas, and deer areas.

The proposed statewide ban on feeding deer, elk, and moose is designed to limit the spread of CWD by not congregating wildlife at feeding sites, which can spread diseases. The proposal also includes a ban on baiting deer, elk, and moose while hunting.

A state environmental policy act (SEPA) determination is also being issued for the statewide ban on feeding deer, elk, and moose.

Full descriptions of each proposed rule change are available on WDFW’s rule making webpage. Public comment periods for each rule change open on Wednesday, Feb. 5. and end in March, but the exact comment period end date varies by proposal. Visit the WDFW rule making webpage for more information.

The public may submit comments on the proposed rule changes and the wildlife feeding SEPA determination online, via email, by phone, or by mailing WDFW. WDFW will also hold public hearings about each rule making proposal. Visit the following webpages for details on public comment period timelines, ways to submit comments, and how to register to testify at a public hearing:

  • 2025 hunting season setting
  • Cougar hunting rules, pelt sealing requirements
  • Fall black bear hunting rules
  • Proposed feeding ban to limit the spread of CWD
  • Rules to limit the spread of CWD

All members of the public are invited to share their perspectives and participate in WDFW public feedback opportunities regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, language proficiency, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, status as a veteran, or basis of disability.

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission delegated the decisions on these rule making proposals to WDFW Director Kelly Susewind, except for those related to black bear and cougar hunting. Director Susewind will issue his decision on the delegated rule proposals in late March. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is scheduled to decide on black bear and cougar hunting rules at the April Commission meeting.

Hunting season setting is an in-depth rule making process that allows WDFW to propose and collect public feedback on changes to Washington hunting rules. In between more robust three-year rule making cycles, annual season setting allows the Department to propose season changes or changes due to emerging needs. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission or WDFW director set hunting seasons based on staff recommendations and public input. Visit WDFW’s website for more information about hunting season setting and regulations.

(Photo credit: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)