With an eye on the 2018 fall big game hunting season, many state agencies are now offering hunter education courses. Each state has different regulations according to date of birth.
Idaho, for example, offers face-to-face, instructor-led and online courses but both require a “field day” where attendance is mandatory. Here is some Idaho-specific information.
The most popular course option for budding young hunters is the instructor-led course. Direct person-to-person instruction from certified volunteer instructors and hands-on learning experiences makes this the best option for youth ages 9 to 14 or for individuals having minimal hunting experience.
The online course offers the same content, but is taken on the student’s schedule. While convenient and allowing much of the course to be taken at home, the course is designed for older students with excellent reading comprehension. The online option requires students to register for and attend a field day where a field exercise and written exam are given.
Fish and Game also offers an instructor-led combination (hunter and bowhunter) course that satisfies Idaho’s requirements for both rifle and archery hunting. This course avoids the duplication of shared content and streamlines the process for those wanting both hunter and bowhunter certification.
Check with your state fish and wildlife agency to see when and where hunter education opportunities are available.
(Photo source: Idaho Department of Fish and Game)