RMEF: Take Bolder Steps to Help Oregon Mule Deer | Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Elk NetworkRMEF: Take Bolder Steps to Help Oregon Mule Deer

General | March 7, 2024

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation urged Oregon to shine a brighter light on the state’s mule deer population and its habitat needs.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is in the process of revising its Mule Deer Management Plan and recently released an update.

In public comments submitted as part of the process, RMEF suggested more analysis is needed to enhance mule deer habitat and that the following principles be incorporated for big game management:

  • Science–based wildlife management
  • Healthy big game populations maintained at both biologically and socially sustainable levels
  • Hunting as the primary tool for managing populations
  • Impactful programs designed to increase hunter access on both public and private lands
  • Appropriate distribution on public and private lands

Though elk are its keystone focus, RMEF’s mission is to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage. Mule deer fall squarely within that “other wildlife” designation, especially since so much of RMEF’s habitat stewardship, migratory corridor and land conservation and access projects have a beneficial impact on that species and its habitat.

(Photo credit: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation)